Day 1: 25/11/2021
- 8h30 -- 9h: Registration and coffee
- 9h -- 9h10: Welcome Session
- 9h10 -- 10h00: Keynote - Christophe Baixas - Naval Group
- 10h -- 10h40: Ressource Managment
- Delande David Stolf Patricia Feraud Raphaël Pierson Jean-Marc Bottaro André. Horizontal scaling in cloud using contextual bandits
- Stella Bitchebe. Out of Hypervisor: Case of Intel PML
- 10h40 -- 11h: Coffee break
- 11h -- 11h45: Keynote - Philippe Merle - INRIA
- 13h30 -- 14h15 : Keynote - Ivan Meriau, David Tardivel, Pierre Crégut - IRT b<>com
- 14h20 -- 15h20 : Microservices et performances
- Clément COURAGEUX-SUDAN Anne-Cécile ORGERIE Martin QUINSON, Automated performance prediction of microservice applications using simulation
- Arthur Vervaet Raja Chiky Mar Callau-Zori, Working with logs to detect anomalies in cloud platforms
- Olivier Barais, Benoit Combemale, Micro-Services IDE: Challenges for a modular and distributed language services implementation
- 15h20 -- 15h40: Coffee break
- 15h40 -- 17h20: Cloud and storage
- Chikhaoui Amina Lemarchand Laurent Boukhalfa Kamel Boukhobza Jalil, StorNIR, une stratégie multi-objectifs de placement de répliques pour un Cloud fédéré
- NAAS Mohammed Islam LEMARCHAND Laurent RAIPIN Philippe BOUKHOBZA Jalil, IoT Data Replication and Consistency Management in Fog Computing
- Lydia AIT OUCHEGGOU Mohammed Islam NAAS Yassine HADJADJ-AOUL Jalil BOUKHOBZA, Quand les données IoT rencontrent le streaming multimédia dans le Fog
- Kevin Nguetchouang, Virtual Disk Snapshot Management at Scale
- Maria Massri, Supporting time in the graph-of-objects platform Thing'in
Day 2: 26/11/2021
- 9h -- 9h45: Keynote - Guillaume Pierre - Univ. Rennes
- 9h50 -- 10h50: Cloud and security
- HAMMAMI, Hamza, Externalisation Sécurisée vers un environnement cloud computing basée sur la génétique humaine
- Yves Kone Mukam Augusta, Intel SPP et les buffer overflows
- BEHRAD Shanay ESPES David BERTIN Philippe PHAN Cao-Thanh, Impacts of Service Decomposition Models on Security Attributes: A Case Study with 5G Network Repository Function
- 10h50 -- 11h10: Coffee break
- 11h10 -- 11h55: Keynote - Nancy Perrot - Orange
- 13h30 -- 14h15: Keynote - route
- 14h20 -- 15h20: Edge/Cloud continuum
- Jean-Marc Menaud, The PiSeduce Project
- Ouarnoughi Hamza, Accelerating AI at the Edge and offloading it to the Cloud
- Delavergne, Marie Antony, Geo Johns Lebre, Adrien, Geo-Distribute Cloud Applications at the Edge
- 15h20 -- 15h40: Coffee break
- 15h40 -- 16h40: Cloud and Network
- Alves Esteves, José Jurandir Boubendir, Amina Guillemin, Fabrice Sens, Pierre, Automating Multi-objective Network Slice Placement with Machine Learning: a Heuristically Assisted Deep Reinforcement Learning solution
- Aimi Alessandro Amina Boubendir Fabrice Guillemin Stephane Rovedakis Stefano Secci, QoS-aware Network Slicing for LoRaWAN: Towards Edge-to-Network Integration in Beyond 5G and 6G
- Pedro Cruz Nadjib Achir Aline Carneiro Viana Luís Henrique Maciel Kosmalski Costa, Pythia: Mobility Intelligence Understanding Towards Resource-efficient MEC Systems